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Critical Illness Plan – Who needs it?

A Critical Illness Plan is a plan that pays a lump sum amount, equal to the sum previously insured, to the insured on acquiring a serious ailment.

This week, we’d like to discuss exactly who should apply for this type of plan and why. 

Who should apply for a Critical Illness Plan?

Anyone can apply for a Critical Illness Plan. Despite taking all of the necessary steps to living a healthy life, medical conditions can still arise that are outside of your control which is why it is advisable that you apply for a Critical Illness Plan early.

The components of this plan apply to everyone as it allows for a lump sum payment in the event of being diagnosed with a critical illness. This way, should such a critical illness occur, you have a safety net in the form of a cash payout to help cover the cost of medical expenses, surgeries, loss of income and more.

Why should you apply for this plan?

Treatments for critical illnesses are very costly, such as treatments for cancer or surgeries for heart attacks. This makes Critical Illness Plans even more useful with the lump sum pay out. This minimises delays that may occur with other types of health or life insurance plans and ensures that you obtain the cash you need to quickly pay for treatments, surgeries or miscellaneous expenses arising from the onset of medical conditions.

With critical illness, any delay in disbursement of funds can make all of the difference between life and death. This is why a Critical Illness Plan is strongly recommended to clients to ensure that you immediately receive the cash that you need on time. 

What illnesses are covered under a Critical Illness Plan?

Several illnesses fall under the category of Critical Illness and are offered in standard Critical Illness Plans. These include but are not limited to: 

  • Heart Attacks
  • Strokes
  • Cancers
  • Organ Failure
  • Organ Transplants
  • Blindness
  • Coma
  • Major Burns
  • Alzheimer’s Disease

and more.

You may think that this type of plan is not necessary for you, but critical illnesses can occur when we least expect, regardless of age, current health condition or genetic predisposition. It is always better to be prepared. 

Thank you for joining us for this week's piece. Have a safe weekend and join us next week for more.

10 months ago